Let’s Learn Together

We speak the language of coffee and tea fluently so you don’t have to. But, if you’re looking to learn more, we can’t wait to walk alongside you in your journey. You’ll find all sorts of resources here to help you fall deeper in love with coffee, from brewing tips, tasting notes and profiles, and more.

Unwrap the Bliss

Gifted a Stocking Stuffer Sampler this year? Here’s our recommended brewing tips.


Start with filtered water at 212º.

Brew Ratio

We recommend a 16.66:1 ratio: this works out to be 6g of coffee to 100g/mL water.
We typically use 24g of coffee to 400g/mL of water for a 12oz cup.
* If you like more body in your coffee, you can increase this ratio to 15:1 (25g to 400mL for 12oz)

Grind Size

 Slightly finer than medium (around 14 on the Baratza Encore).


Rinse paper in your dripper with water from your kettle to pre-heat it.

Make a small divot with your finger in the center of the coffee bed, then pour in coffee

  1. Start timer and gently pour 2x coffee dose as water to bloom (For our 24g recipe that’s 48mL of water)

  2. Gently swirl the dripper to incorporate water into all grounds

  3. Wait 30 seconds 

  4. Spiral pour in 50% of total brew water until 1:15 (i.e 50% of 400g, pour to 200g)

  5. Keep it topped up, slowly pouring the rest of the brew water over 45 seconds. (i.e. 100% of brew water by 2:00)

  6. Once it has drained a bit, give one more gentle swirl to incorporate any dry grounds on the sides

  7. Wait for the coffee to fully drain. You want a flat bed of coffee and no big grinds of coffee on the side of the filter paper

Learning Together


Learning Together ·